Monday, May 30, 2011

spaghetti and meatballs

I made this dish yesterday flat in 30 minutes time. And all the credit goes to my dear husband who did a marvelous job of chopping onions for the sause so finely that they could hardly be noticed in there! He also did the tedious job of peeling a pod of garlic (though in the midst of cooking I noticed that there were a handful of them inside the icebox all peeled and ready to use...sshhh i did not mention this here....okay?). Anyways.....the outcome was fantastic and I dedicate this recipe to Sushant Lotlikar, a chef in making!

1 pack spaghetti
For the sauce:
4-5 medium size ripe tomatoes, blanched
in hot water and minced roughly
2 medium size white/red onions finely chopped
10-12 garlic peeled and roughly chopped
1/2 cup tomato puree
Mixed Italian herbs (i used basil and oregano)
Freshly crushed black pepper
Seasoned salt to taste (u can also use plain white salt)
3 slices of any square cheese
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup red wine
Chilly flakes (as per requirement)
Parmesan Cheese
For the meatballs:
250 gms chicken mince
3 slices of brown bread processed into crumbs
mixed italian herbs
1 egg
freshly crushed black pepper
seasoned salt or plain white salt
1 tbspn finely chopped garlic
olive oil

Mix all the ingredients of the meatballs and knead properly till it forms like a soft ball of dough. Make small balls out of it by rolling them between the palms of your hand using a little oil to prevent them from sticking. Place the meatballs on a plate and keep them refrigerated until later use.

Cook the spaghetti in rapidly boiling salt water until al-dente. Strain and keep warm by adding some olive to it to prevent sticking.

In a saucepan heat olive oil and butter. Add the meatballs and brown them on all the sides. Toss them gently to ensure they are cooking all over. Remove from the pan and set aside until later use. In the same pan add some extra olive oil and butter. When heated add the finely chopped onions and garlic. Cook on medium flame till it turns soft and translucent. Add the minced tomatoes, the puree and the wine. Stir and let it cook for 5 minutes. Add the herbs, crushed black pepper, chilli flakes, salt to taste. Again stir and let it cook for another 5-7 minutes. Now add the cheese slices and milk. Add the meatballs. Now the trick is to get it on the table without waiting for all the ingredients to ooze their juices, get married to each other and bring out the real flavours. Who has time for all this?? Huh??

Ta..Da....get your pressure cooker out! Pour everything into it taking care not to break those meaty balls. Put the lid on and place it on the stove top and let it whislte away 3-4 times. Turn off the heat and wait patiently for the cooker to cool down. In the meanwhile you can grate the parmesan, arrange the cooked spaghetti in a serving plate, set the table, call the husband and the kid cause you don't want the dish to be waiting for them but vice a versa. Open the cooker and smell the delish aroma of the herbs, butter, garlic....oh la la!! Empty the sauce in a serving bowl and garnish it with grated parmesan. Bring to the table with the extra helping of that cheese. Done!

1 comment:

  1. having someone to chop onions is the most important part of cooking ...thanks for sharing this
