Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tangy Mushrooms

The other day hubby darling got into the mood (don't get naughty thoughts) of cooking. Having very recently gulped rather than ate his dish of dry, rubbery scrambled eggs, I begged for his change of intention. Before I could plead any further, he picked up a packet of mushrooms and dumped in the cart, expressing his desire to make "mushroom masala" with them. Oh my God!!!!! I said aloud in my heart and followed him around. But I thank god for hubby's another quality of forgetfulness (sshhhh...only when it works to my advantage), the packet was lying in the fridge for sometime now until I laid my eyes on it today. The thought of making the typical mushroom masala or mushroom gravy was making me nauseous. I feel by adding too much masala/spices or tomatoes we tend to kill the earthy flavor of the mushrooms. I like them cooking in their own juices. So I googled for some recipes on them for some inspiration and came across one where tamarind pulp was being used. Hmm... I thought something different. But then whilst cooking it I came up with an idea. So here it is..........
Serves 2
1 packet pre-sliced mushrooms
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp urad dal
1/2 tsp fennel seeds
5-6 curry leaves
1 medium finely chopped onion
1 tbsp puliyodharai paste (this is a south indian speciality which you can easily find in grocery/ food marts)
1 tbsp oil
salt to taste
Wash and drain the mushrooms. Keep dry. Heat oil in a saucepan. When hot add mustard seeds, urad dal, fennel seeds and curry leaves. Stir. Add onions and cook for approximately 5-7 mins. Add mushrooms. Spread evenly. Cover the pan with lid. Do not stir. Let be for 6-7 mins until you see juices coming out. Now stir. Now add the puliyodharai paste and mix well. Cook for another 3-4 mins. Season with salt. Done!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Kuska..... An easy atlernate to pain-staking Biryani without Meat!!!

"Kuska" when translated in marathi language (that's my mother tongue) means a mean person. My very good friend Anu introduced me to it. It semms it is a rice preparation from the Muslim community. Initially the name attracted me towards this dish. But I never got a chance to google on it. The other day I was at her place, about to leave and there she comes with the pan and a spoon. Before I know anything, the spoon is shoved in my mouth and I am experiencing yet another culinary delight from my friend which I had to try and voila!!!! what a simple but loaded with flavor dish!!!! Its a biryani (without meat) in no time.....

Serves 2


1 cup long-grain basmati rice

1 1/2 tsp ginger-chilli paste

1 tsp garlic paste

1 black cardamoms

4-5 cloves

1 stick cinnamon

2-3 bay leaves

a hanfull of chopped corriander and mint leaves (blame it on them for the flavor!!) a few extra for garnishing

1 tsp garam masala powder (optional)

1 1/2 tbspn of vegetable oil (yup! what is a biryani without oil. Oh.........ok what is an imitation biryani without oil????)
2 cups hot Water
salt to taste


Wash and soak rice for half an hour. Heat oil in a heavy bottomed pan on a medium flame. Add the bay leaves, cardamom, cloves and cinnamon. Hmmm..... now smell the spices. Add the ginger-chilli and garlic parte. Fry for sometime till the rawness of the pastes have gone. Now add the tomatoes. Close the pan with a lid. Let the tomatoes melt. Once you see the tomatoes have incorporated with the spices and the ginger-garlic paste, throw in the leaves. Fry for a minute and then add in the rice. Stir well to mix. Season with salt to taste. Add hot water, stir and put on the lid. Now very important. Once you see the rice boiling reduce the flame to low and stop stirring. I would like to add this as a tip; If you are preparing any kind of rice, do not stir in once it starts boiling. Reason: It breaks the grain. Now I know some of you hyper one's out there would like to go and peek in every now but please control your urge. Sit pretty, file your nails or watch a song or a two on you-tube. (My favourite time-pass!) After 20-25 mins, the air around you will turn minty. Yes, your rice is done now. Go have a look. Yummmm........ sprinkle with the garam masala powder and garnish with more leaves if you please. Done!

Potatoes.... Potatoes.....Potatoes!!!!!!!!!!!

What can I say about them??? My brother would have only potatoes with his every meal when he was a kid, my husbands favourite food is varan (indian dal)-bhaat and batata bhaji, during my so-called dieting phase (its is long long story) I would put an entire bunch of french fries in my mouth, chew them and spit it out. So much for our much loved potatoes. This recipe is from my mother who would make it in a jiffy...... Though there are not many ingredients the technique of cooking the potatoes makes it interesting

Serves 2
2 mediem size potatoes cut whole into thin rounds
1 tsp vegetable oil
a pinch of chilli powder or paprika

Soak the potato rounds in cold water for 15-20 mins. Drain well. In a non-stick pan with a lid or kadai, place them in two layers and cover with the lid. Place on top of the stove and set the heat to medium. Let the potatoes sweat. It will take around 8-10 mins. Now drizzle some oil over it and sprinkle the paprika and salt on top. Put on the lid. Let it cook for another 7-8 mins until crispy. Done!